• 2013 год

Dry cargo barges project 03060


Vessel name — «OMS-502»
Building — 2008, Russia
Register number — 080382

Vessel type — dumb dry cargo barge platform
Purpose — cargo transportation on the deck
Vessel class — К [I] R2-RSN of Russian Maritime Register
Permanent limitations — mixed «river-sea» navigation at seas with 3% probability wave height of 6m, distance from shelter place not more than 50 miles and allowable distance between shelter places not more than 100 miles in open seas; distance from shelter place not more than 100 miles and allowable distance between shelter places not more than 200 miles in closed seas. Other characteristics: towing of vessel without cargo in ballast not more than 4.2 knots.

Main dimensions, m:

Maximal length — 102.3
Length CWL — 100.0
Moulded breadth — 16,50
Hull heigh — 4.2
Freeboard draft — 2.99
Freeboard displacement in sea water (λ = 1,025 т/м3 ), t: 4639.8
Cargo capacity, t: 3632

General view drawing:


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