• 2013 год

Complete solutions for control and monitoring systems for CHP by Motortech 

In 2011 “Marine Technics” Group signed a dealer contract with Motortech GmbH Company. Motortech Company is a partner OEM (factory-manufacturer of ignition system, gas model range, rails Alpha Rail, control sensors and alarm warning system, control panels, etc.) for following companies: GE Jenbaher, Rolls — Royce, Doosan, Guascor, Mak, MAN, MTU, Wartsila, Perkins, Mitsubishi and others.

“Marine Technics” Group provides the supply, warranty obligations, commissioning start-up works and diagnostics of Motortech GmbH equipment. During last 27 years Motortech company is permanently working on satisfying client’s demands and always being one step ahead!

MotortechGmbH gives main prioruty to innovations, research and improvement. Ceaseless working on widening and modernization of production range in development of ignition, control and monitoring systems provides maximal efficiency and practicalness of your gas engines.

Improvoment of efficiency leads to reduction of discharge in air, which is good for environment.

Confirmation Letter Motortech

Motortech equipment



All In One system

MIC850, MIC500, MIC3, MIC4 ignition systems VariFuel2 gas mixer Alpha Rail
Spark plugs Extensions for spark plugs  High tension leads Ignition Coils
Sensor systems Primary leads  Triggering  Tools and test equipment
Gas engine accessories      



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