MT-Group joined the Russian Association of the Wind Industry

  • 2020 год

The Russian Association of Wind Power Industry is an independent non-profit organization existing since 2004 and developing the wind power market.

The goal of the Association is to provide substantial practical assistance and support to market participants in their entry into the market, mastering the production, development of wind farms and receiving of orders for the production of components for wind generators as well as for design, construction and logistical services.

The members of the Russian Association of Wind Power Industry include the leading global manufacturers of wind power generators, the largest Russian and foreign industrial and power engineering enterprises, logistics, engineering, design and construction and insurance companies, scientific and research companies, educational institutions and diplomatic organizations.

The membership in the Russian Association of Wind Power Industry will allow MT-Group to expand the range of potential customers who need to deliver oversized cargo.  On the other hand, the experience and expertise of our company will bring benefits and economic advantage for the members of the Association and the industry in whole.

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